SIRCROW MyShirt is a custom-made shirts’ brand, which aims to implement style, confidence and above all flawlessness in the world of men’s shirts. We offer not only a rich palette of fabrics, numbering over 2000 types, but also a personal consultant who can help in the selection and personalization of each detail.
With us you will create a perfectly fitting shirt that would be also fast executed – within only 10 days, as the service is performed in a time and place convenient for you – the clients.
The idea of custom-made shirts arose from a perceived need when the two founders, Vladimir Andreev and Mihail Karpachev, become aware that many men in their friends and family had trouble finding the perfect shirt. Regardless of the physique, a well-fitting shirt is this one that is not too tight or too loose. It is this shirt that provides both comfort and good look.
When we started thinking about made-to-measure shirts, we did it mostly out of personal motivation in the search of comfort. Subsequently, sharing with acquaintances and friends, whose everyday life requires combination of elegance and comfort, we saw the potential of custom-made shirts.
Along with quality and convenience, the brand is focused on personal attitude and attention to every detail.
Our consultants are trained so that in a short non-committal conversation, they can get to know the client, his needs and the requirements of his daily life. For us, the most important thing is that the client is satisfied, and we achieve this by knowing him well and showing him the best combination for himself.